I only try and post the art here when I think it's a bit better than typical...
http://cgi.ebay.com ...
Well see. Frank bid on it so that's pretty neat.
Funny thing is the only Planescape stuff I've bought are those BloodWars cards.
The only thing that matters to me really is the art books. If the b ...
Thanks Mars.
Its the plain pewter one. Its pretty neat. Too bad not Dark Sun.
The box is more useful than a flask imo but agree flasks have a cool appeal These came out of TSR directly. Not p ...
Sent brett a pic but no reply from him unless my spam ate it.
Mars, what would you ask on those items?
I might just keep the box as a cool dice holder but I don't wear belts ever.
Got one of these the other day from a former TSR guy. It's not the flask but the box with the resin lady of pain on top. Everywhere I look online it says it's pewter but my old lady says its silver pl ...
I listed a few things on Ebay. The Cavotta is nice and the Easley is pretty darn old. Just look those guys up to see the auctions;)
I'm looking to move the rest of my art (- Beauvais) if anyone her ...
He has some really cool stuff from the early 80's. Really large paintings I never saw before.. He also had some kick ass frames on stuff. I guess that video game company Parkinson had payed the artist ...
Updated my Blog,
Trite Den Beauvais art for the Scribe... if that's not trite enough for you I'll keep posting it:)
Birthright preview
What happened to all the "lost" art preview...
sa ...
I have maybe 2 covers I would not sell under any circumstance.
Numerous interiors and production pieces and whatnot... I like the oddball stuff more and more.
Going to update my thread sometime lat ...
I keep forgetting my camera here!!!
When I post those Beauvais Illustrations you will be very sad I should say that when I ran across them I was very happy!!
After X-Mas I'll get them up. ...
Here's my new art blog. You know you read the one on Acaeum..
and a bonus will be there later for Scribe, since he once rambled how Beauvais didn't do any ...