Return to the Rogues Gallery

Bruce Nesmith

1985 Author AC7: Master Player Screen
1985 Design Consultants and Advice Battlesystem
1985 Author LANKHMAR: City of Adventure
1985 Author LANKHMAR: Swords of the Undercity
1987 Author The Book of Lairs II
1988 Author OP1: Tales of the Outer Planes
1989 Designer Monstrous Compendium VOLUME ONE
1989 Designer Monstrous Compendium VOLUME TWO
1990 Design Castles
1990 Design SPELLJAMMER: Monstrous Compendium 7 Appendix
1990 Design GREYHAWK: Monstrous Compendium Appendix 5 Greyhawk
1990 Monster Design GREYHAWK: Greyhawk Ruins
1991 Design BATTLESYSTEM™ Skirmishes
1992 Design SPELLJAMMER: Goblins' Return
1994 Design First Quest
1994 Coordination Fighter's Player Pack
1994 Coordination Wizard's Player Pack
1994 Coordination Priest's Player Pack
1994 Coordination Thief's Player Pack
1995 Designer Introduction to AD&D
1995 Project Coordination DARK SUN: Revised Campaign Setting
1995 Design DARK SUN: Monstrous Compendium Appendix II
1995 Project Coordination DARK SUN: Beyond the Prism Pentad
1996 Designer DARK SUN: Psionic Artifacts of Athas
1999 Revised Design Ravenloft (Silver Anniversary)

Impressum (Imprint)