Collector's Arcana: This 80 page booklet contains is a compilation of over 500 magical items.
Though designed for the D&D Game, it contains an appendix describing how these items can be incorporated
into AD&D.
Description (From the back cover)
"Tell me teacher - how does one open the Cabinet of Security? Of what use is the Banner of Bravery?
And what are the limits of the Sun Deck?" (Hey, my wife's been bothering me for one of those . . .) "My
books and scrolls tell me nothing about many of the magical treasures I've heard you mention time
and again."
"No Phaedrus, your manuscripts are too general. But, since you have inquired, I will allow you to peruse
this, one of my most treasured volumes - the Book of Marvelous Magic. It will answer your questions."