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S3: Expedition to the Barrier Peaks
Special Modules Series #3
Collectors arcana: Shrink-wrapped items add 100% to their base value.
"This module was the official ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS® Tournament scenario at Origins II.
The author wishes to express his thanks to Mr. Robert Kuntz
who contributed substantial ideas for the various encounters herein. This version has been carefully revised and
updated to conform to ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS® game systems. Included herein are background information
for players, statistics for a party substantially the same as that used for the tournament, DM notes, six level
maps with encounter matrices, and numerous full color illustrations of scenes from the adventure in order to
enhance the enjoyment of participants. There are also many new and special monsters designed for this scenario,
and they appear nowhere else. This module is located upon the Map of the World of Greyhawk
(WORLD OF GREYHAWK™ Fantasy Setting from TSR).
If you enjoy this module, be sure and try any of the many other unique offerings in this line from TSR!"
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