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UK6: All That Glitters ...
UK (UK) Series #6
Paul Ruiz
Three-fold cover
32-page stapled booklet
Print Runs:
→1st (1984)
Cover Price:
125 grams
Width: 21.5 cm; Height: 27.3 cm; Depth: 0.3 cm
Collectors arcana: Shrink-wrapped items add 100% to their base value.
"The lure of gold has drawn many adventurers through the ages. Now a cryptic treasure map has
come into your possession. Are you a match for the jungle and the unknown lands beyond?
The dark jungle trees loom above you and the scent of tropical blooms hangs heavy on the windless air.
Overhead, brightly coloured birds wheel and dip through the branches. Swarming mosqitoes buzz angrily as you raise
a waterskin to your lips.
Still you push on, carefully following the riverbank and the fragments of your map. Those scrabs of
parchment came from this jungle — of that you are sure — the carving they had been carefully
wrapped around were the work of local natives. Now you have left those peaceful craftsmen far behind
and the map has led you on toward the uncharted territory of the murderous Atem.
Ahead the river breaks into white water. These must be the rapids marked on the map. Reaching into your pouch,
you draw out the fragments of parchment, and once again your mind drifts ahead to your ultimate goal —
the treasure promised at the journey's end. Riches! And hopefully an end to this stifling, humid jungle.
Can you unravel the map's mysteries and find your way to the promised treasure? Or will your dreams
end only in death and an unmarked grave far from home!
Only the bravest characters of level 5-7 will live to discover that all that glitters is not gold,
but much, much more!"
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