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Council of Wyrms
Boxed Setting
Print Runs:
1st (1994)
Cover Price:
$25.00 U.S.
900 grams
width: 23.0 cm height: 28.5 cm depth: 4.5 cm
Collector's Arcana: Shrink-wrapped copies add 50% to the base value. This boxed setting was five years later released as
hardcover version.
"Feel mighty muscles ripple beneath your armored flesh. Hear the wind rush by with each powerful flap of your scaled wings.
Smell fear-soaked sweat of your prey as it wafts up from the ground below. You are a dragon — majestic, invincible, supreme!
IMAGINE player characters of such fierce countenance and unstoppable power that only one setting can hold them!
IMAGINE having abilities of sweeping scope, breath weapons of deadly power, claws like long swords, teeth like daggers!
Council of Wyrms provides everything you need to create a campaign for dragon player characters.
In addition, there are rules for creating elf, dwarf, and gnome "kindred" for your dragon, and details on two new character types:
half-dragons and dragon slayers.
Inside you'll find:
- A 64-page Rules book packed full of rules for creating and playing dragon, kindred, and half-dragon player characters. (see below, 1107XXX1901))
- A 64-page Campaign book detailling a dragons' campaign and the legendary Council of Wyrms, revealing the secrets
of dragonkind and outlining new player-character kits (see below, 1107XXX1902)
- A 64-page Adventures book to challenge the strongest dragon characters (see below, 1107XXX1903)
- 12 full-color refence cards (see example below)
- 3 full-color posters, including a dragons' size-comparison chart (1107XXX0702), a map of the dragon's island homes (1107XXX0701),
and a guide to the dragon clans (1107XXX0703)
Book One: RULES
(1107XXX1901, 64 pages, stapled)
(1107XXX1902, 64 pages, stapled)
Book Three (1107XXX1903, 64 pages, stapled)
Example Reference Card
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