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Night Masks
The Cleric Quintet Book Three
Item code: TSR8490
Type: Novel
Release: 1992
Author: R.A. Salvatore
Cover Art: Jeff Easley
Format: Softcover novel
311 pages
Print Runs: First (August 1992)
Rarity: Common
Value@NrMint: $3
ISBN: 1-56076-328-0
Cover Price: $4.95 U.S.
Weight: 200 grams
Dimensions: width: 10.5 cm
height: 17.5 cm
depth: 2.5 cm

has run to the city of Carradoon for solace, but he finds himself besieged by the resident assassins, the Night Masks. He and his companion, Danica, must uncover the killer's latests activities and put a stop to them. But the young priest learns more then he wanted to know."
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