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Labyrinth of Madness
Two-fold cover,
64-page booklet (9503XXXX1501)
16-page illustration booklet (9503XXXX1502)
Print Runs:
→ 1st (1995)
Cover Price:
$9.95 U.S.
175 grams
Width: 21,5 cm; Height: 27,5 cm; Depth: 0,5 cm
"Sinister, twisting images ... Horrific nightmares lurking at the corners of the mid ...
These are descriptions used to tell the tales of the Labyrinth of Madness. But these tales of the labyrinth
are only legends, really, nothing more than stories used to frighten children at night-until a mysterious
scepter is found, bearing within its crystal head a visage of insanity and terror, and also delivering a message:
'Disturb not the Labyrinth of Madness again, and live a while longer.' Now a powerful temple suffers
from a tragic curse that is somehow linked to the labyrinth. Does there exist a group of heroes who can penetrate
this dark and terrible place to lift the curse ... and survive?
Labyrinth of Madness is a multiple-level, three-dimensional dungeon adventure, a puzzle within a puzzle,
that commemorates 20 years of gaming with TSR."
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