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1st printing
PLAYER'S OPTION: Skills & Powers
"These pages hold the keys to humans who spot secret doors as easily as do elves, thieves wo sense
illusions, half-ogre sword masters, and a multitude of other unique characters. PLAYER'S OPTION™ Rulebooks present
an alternative approach to AD&D® characters. Custom-craft your next PC, selecting the professions, skills, and
abilities you want! Characters can even have additional ability score such as Stamina, Muscle, Balance, and others.
New proficiencies, talents, and updated psionics round out the PLAYER'S OPTION character. Be ready for anything with Skills & Powers!"
1st printing: (see picture above)
The first printing has a white product number on the cover (upper right corner) and in the inside
it states "1st printing, July 1995".
2nd printing:
The second printing has a white product number on the cover (upper right corner) and in the inside
it states "2nd printing, February 1996".
Image and Printing Information courtesy of Kynan Connor, USA.
This is the softcover version. Note that the word "Rulebook" inside the red AD&D logo is now
centered and in black color, not white anymore.
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