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1st printing,
Image courtesy of Kynan Connor, USA.
Dwarven Glory |
Item code:
Dungeon Masters Kit--Number 2
Adventure Module
June 1977
Pete Kerestan
Judy Kerestan
Cover Art:
See below (printing information)
Print Runs:
→ 1st
Very Rare
Value @NrMint:
pending (1st printing)
pending (2nd/3rd printing)
Cover Price:
width: 21.5 cm height: 28.0 cm depth: na
'At one time the community of Dwarven Glory was a thriving and wealthy community.
So wealthy, in fact, that the proud and strengthening heritage of Dwarf history was forgotten
and the community was easy prey for Mortoc and his 10 Orc Tribes.
But, although the Orcs conquered, they could not completely destroy Dwarven Glory,
and there were parts of the caverns they did not even penetrate.
Now the caverns echo in the misty gloom, offering refuge to the forgotten and promise to the
Collectors arcana: Wee Warriors produced this second item called
The Dwarven Glory in its Dungeon Masters Kit series.
Please drop us a line with more information. by CONTACT.
The Dwarven Glory Room Key. Courtesy of Kynan Connor, USA.
1st printing: (see picture above).
Soft cover, full size with 13 loose leaf pages (1st printing)
Contents of the first printing:
- cover page with front image
- title page w/three bullets, dated 1977 on rear
- creature/character roll sheet
- blank hex sheet
- four double-sided map pages
- 5.5x8.5 Room Key with 17 pages, dated 1976
(Thanks to Kynan Connor, USA for this information.)
There are two variants of the first printing known. One mentions TSR on the inside, the other doesn't.
Thanks to Kynan Connor, USA and Paul Stormberg, USA for this information.
2nd printing: Soft cover, digest size, with 23 pages. Cover as 3rd, but only in black color.
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