Born on March 9, 1965, Brom lived in places all over the world in his youth: Japan, Alabama, Hawaii, Germany.
In 1985 he began is professional career as an artist. TSR hired Brom in 1989. Brom stayed until 1993, when he started freelancing again.
During that period, Brom gave the Dark Sun campaign world a face with his awesome cover art for the scorched desert planet Athas.
Brom's creative output in the years after TSR includes novel covers for Michael Moorcock or Terry Brooks, art for RPG companies such as
White Wolf, FASA and Wizards of the Coast. Brom's art was used in popular computer games (Doom 2) and movies (Sleepy Hollow).
Brom and his family currently reside in the Seattle area.
For more information, visit Brom's homepage. Picture taken from Brom homepage.