"A Journey No One Has Survived...
Trained by the mystical Villichi in the Way of the Druid and the Path of the Preserver,
Sorak the elfling sets out to find the mysterious and reclusive wizard known only as the Sage.
Guided by a spell scroll and his own tormented inner voices, Sorak must cross a lethal, rock-strewn
wasteland no one has ever survived and make his way to Nibenay, where he must seek out the secret Veiled
Together with Ryana, the beautiful Villichi priestess who has forsworn her vows in order to follow him
upon his quest, and the lovely, pampered daughter of a sorcerer-king whom they have stolen from a noble's caravan,
Sorak braves the unkown dangers of the wild, Athasian desert ... pursued by a cruel, relentless foe who
will stop at nothing to regain the princess who was stolen from him."