Return to the Rogues Gallery

John D. Rateliff

Rateliff worked as an editor at TSR for many years and has a few credits as game designer, too.

There is an interesting interview on Monte Cook's homepage, where Monte queries fellow game editor and designer John D. Rateliff.

1992 Editor D&D Wrath of the Immortals
1992 Editor Treasure Maps
1992 Editing SPELLJAMMER: War Captains Companion
1993 Development and Monster Selection Committee Monstrous Manual
1993 Editor The Complete Book of Gnomes & Halflings
1994 Editing Fighter's Player Pack
1994 Editing Wizard's Player Pack
1994 Editing Priest's Player Pack
1994 Editing Thief's Player Pack
1994 Editor AL-QADIM: Ruined Kingdoms
1994 Editor AL-QADIM: Corsairs of the Great Sea
1994 Editing MYSTARA: Monstrous CompendiumĀ® Appendix
1994 Editing MYSTARA: Hail the Heroes
1995 Editor Night Below - An Underdarkā„¢ Campaign
1995 Design MYSTARA: Player's Survival Kit
1995 Design and Editing MYSTARA: Mark of Amber
1996 Editor The Gates of Firestorm Peak
1997 Editor MONSTROUS ARCANA: Evil Tide
1997 Editor ODYSSEY: Tale of the Comet
1998 Editing & Development Moonlight Madness
1998 Editor The Lost Shrine of Bundushatur
1998 Editor AL-QADIM: Reunion
1998 Editor TOMES: Return To The Tomb Of Horrors
1999 Compilation & Editing TSR Jam 1999
1999 Design Return to the Keep on the Borderlands
2000 Author Reverse Dungeon

Impressum (Imprint)