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1st Printing
Image courtesy of Paul Tremiti, USA
"Need a monster? Look inside, where more than 300 new pieces of full color art show what
the monsters really look like!
This book contains more than 600 monsters, including all the creatures from the MONSTROUS
COMPENDIUM® Volumes 1 and 2! In addition, there are monsters from the other MONSTROUS COMPENDIUM
Volumes, and some creatures never seen in the second edition AD&D® Game before.
Entries have been reorganized, corrected, updated , and fully cross-referenced, to make this the
most valuable monster reference ever!"
Left: Kobold from the Monstrous Manual.
1st / 2nd printing: (see picture above)
The 1st printing has a white flyleaf. It shows the TSR Golden Ingot logo.
The 2nd printing is identical to the first printing but contains small pictures advertising TSR products on the flyleaf.
Printing information courtesy of Paul Tremiti, USA.
5th printing:
The 5th printing has the title "Monstrous Manual" in black letters.
It features the new red AD&D logo. It says "5th printing" on copyright page
The 5th printing shows the TSR Dragon logo.
Picture and printing information courtesy of Paul Tremiti, USA.
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